Decorative Icon

Hi, I’m Jimena

Decorative Icon

I draw every day. Sometimes a lot, sometimes just a little if I don’t have much time, but I always draw something.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always drawn. On walls, on the edges of textbooks, in notebooks, on napkins…

I’ve never worried much about the final result because I enjoy it immensely. It calms me, focuses me, reduces my anxiety, helps me take a break from my phone, and even helps me socialize (drawing attracts attention and conversations 😊).

My Professional Self

I’m an interaction designer. That means I primarily design websites and apps.

I started in 2000 and have worked for brands like Mediamarkt, L’Oréal, McDonalds, AXA, Coca-Cola, Disney, BBVA, ING, Nationale Nederlanden, Procter & Gamble, Microsoft, and also small startups.

I also enjoy creating websites (like this one)

It’s a hobby that I find fun and it helps me learn new things. If you’re curious to visit them, they are: